Stress Relief & Nutrition


"Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on your body,"

A healthy diet builds a solid, more enduring foundation for your body by reducing oxidation and inflammation and by helping to reduce weight gain."

How Exactly Do Healthy Foods Reduce Stress?

"Stress negatively affects blood pressure and blood flow," "There is a strong relationship between fluctuations in brain blood flow and brain health and these compounds over time."Nutrients from healthy foods, can help improve blood flow in the body.

A Few Examples of nutrients that improve blood flow include omega-3s (EPA and DHA), vitamin E and polyphenols found in red wine, blueberries and dark chocolate. "In this way, a healthy diet has a ’cascading effect’ on brain health because as it improves blood flow, the delivery of key nutrients to the brain is also improved. Consistent with this, physical fitness is one of the strongest ’anti-cognitive decline’ factors and it acts by maintaining healthy blood flow to the brain.

Omega-3s are found in fish like salmon and tuna and also provide anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin E Containing foods are sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocados. green leafy vegetables have polyphenols and carotenoids.

Additionally, research indicating a strong link between digestive health and the brain. "Emerging research is now suggesting that the gut microbiome can influence the body, including the brain," "The microbiome can be supported by consuming fiber-containing foods like beans, vegetables, cereals and yogurt." 

Foods for Stress Relief :-

    Green Tea Helps Promote Feelings of Warmth and Calmness

    Dark Chocolate Offers an Antioxidant-Rich Indulgence

    Avocados Offer Stress-Busting Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

    Fish Can Boost Your Heart Health While Fending Off Stress 

    Warm Milk Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

    Nuts Are a Great Stress-Busting Snacks

    Citrus Fruits and Strawberries Contain Vitamin C

    Probiotics Can Create a Healthy Gut Microbiota 

    Foods High in Fiber May Reduce Stress and Anxiety

For me, Nutrition, Movement, Mindset and Rest are the four pillars of health. For those who leading active lifestyles, I ask them to follow four easy-to-remember principles:

Respect: You and your body deserve the best, so make it a priority to see eating as an opportunity to nourish. If you treat your body right, it will treat you right.

Refuel: Don’t waste your time being active without properly refuelling your body with nutrition.You really can’t train your way out of a bad diet.

Rehydrate: The human body is actually about 60 per cent water so it makes perfect sense that we need to keep our levels topped up. Too many of us are simply not drinking enough.

Recover: Recovery encompasses more than just muscle repair. Recovery involves restoring your chemical and hormonal balance, nervous system, mental state and so much more. Don’t ignore your body when it needs to be rested.



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