Useless Conversations


"Mental Masturbation": The process of raising dopamine levels in your brain by telling people your goals, plans, but never actually doing anything about it and Repeating the same with another idea.

Are you someone who frequently gets an ‘A-ha!’ moment by planing anything , but never gets around to executing it? Do you often find your mind racing with a bunch of ideas that keep you up all night? Do you have lots of lofty goals, but find the action part boring and less stimulating.

Do you always advice and compels others to do everything and not doing by yourself , it is also part of an addiction. This will back you from Success. Try To Change it. Don’t let the Dopamine control your behavior

How Unrealistic Conversations affect your Relationships !

Speech is a part of how our brains are programmed to socially connect and survive. But some people may talk excessively. Excessive talking is the practice of overtalking or compulsively talking.Excessive talking can create a social burden for both the talking person and their listeners. So Understand you are just speaking for dopamine boosting and not for real conversation. So There are things you can do to avoid overtalking, like setting a time limit on conversations, paying attention to social cues, or seeking the help of a mental health provider.

Mental Masturbation is the act of followingintellectual ideas that are borne out of excitement and/or novelty, but offer little value to you and your real-life goals.The ‘a-ha’ moment that comes when engaging in mental masturbation can be addictive due to dopamine receptors in brain. When you get an idea, you spend a lot of time finding the ‘missing piece’ in internet that will make everything fall into place. So You planned everything perfectly and shared with your loved ones to impress them and after that you never want to execute it.Remember, our brains are naturally attracted to symmetry, neatness, and finality – even when reality is, in fact, much messier.

We have all been victims of mental masturbation. It often flares up when we experience heightened life stress. It helps distract us from our real-world problems.Just for Escaping from our real life problems we planning unrealistic and useless things using our creative mind.

Mental masturbators overthinks and they tend to create problems and solve them

before they’ve experienced the actual problem.

It’s a psychosocial personality disorder! By voicing your every thought and opinion to gratify your own ego, your conversation makes you a boring person.Hence Listeners starts maintaining distance from you and will loss trust on you.The Listeners will blame you as a liar and fraud because you just don’t want to do anything just giving fake statements.

Disorganized speech.

Disorganized speech occurs when a person feel lonely and isolated. This type of speech often involves rapid switching between subjects, without any clear connection between the topics. You might reply to questions with answers that others consider entirely unrelated. Sometimes, disorganized speech involves strings of random words that seemingly lack a clear connection.

Disorganized speech may feels like normal speech, but it can still confuse others. When it’s severe, it can get in the way of normal communication

Excessive Self Talk

Excessive talking about the self. It’s not uncommon for people to discuss accomplishments, goals, or plans at great length during a manic episode. This speech often seems grandiose or less than realistic. People with personality disorder might talk a lot about their abilities, things they’ve accomplished, or important people they know in order to earn attention. They will use social media and YouTube for this. 

Attention seeking is sometimes gives mental pleasure but

it will cause Virtual Autism and you will deviate from life goals.

What are the Signs of Speech Anxiety?

When anxiety affects one’s ability to interact with others in public and social situations, this can be referred to as a social anxiety disorder. Someone with a social anxiety disorder may experience extreme anxiety related to feeling uncomfortable, humiliated or embarrassed, rejected, or looked down upon by others. This can manifest into an extreme fear of public speaking, meeting new people or experiencing new social situations, or even eating and drinking in public. These fears and anxieties can cause problems with daily function and can persist for long periods.

Anxiety can cause both physical and cognitive problems that can affect speech. These can include:

Shaky Voice: A shaky speaking voice is perhaps one of the most widely recognized effects that anxiety can have on speech. When an anxious person speaks, they may feel like their voice box is shaking (along with the rest of the body.) This can make the voice sound crackly or vibratory which can be a strong sign of nervousness and anxiety.

Quiet Voice: People who experience anxiety, especially related to social situations, can often struggle to speak at an appropriate volume. While a quiet speaking voice is not specifically a speech pattern, it can alter the way your speaking voice is heard and understood by others.

While volume can be affected, the ability to project the voice or face the audience can also be difficult for someone with anxiety.

Trouble Putting Thoughts to Words: One of the mental effects of anxiety is that it can cause difficulty thinking and planning the words you want to say before you begin speaking, or as you are in the process of speaking. This can result in forgetting words, the incorrect use of words, and long pauses between words. When speaking, generally the process should be clear and natural. When we overthink, the opposite effect can occur with speech.

How to overcome and Improve your conversation ?

Here, I’ll talk about three ways to stop this excessive form of ideation and teach you one method that can help you implement your ideas realistically

#1. Practice self-control

Frequently engaging in useless conversations can skew your self-awareness and can cause you to neglect important decision-making skills. So try to practicing patience, fact-checking your compulsive thoughts, and note in down and avoid announcing it to anyone until you start execute it.

To regain self-control, try to get into the habit of recording your ideas in your journal. Detail all of your thoughts as they cross your mind. Then, come back to it later on with a fresh set of eyes to determine whether your ideas are feasible and/or worthwhile pursuing.

Another exercise that can help you separate worthwhile ideas from distractions is to engage in ‘would’ and ‘should’ thinking. One study published in the Journal of Research in Personality found that individuals who showed greater alignment between what they wanted to do versus what they thought they ‘should’ do were more successful in pursuing their goals.

#2. Set realistic goals

Instead of ideating in your mind, sit down and calmly note down all of the reasons why you want to pursue this idea/goal, how it will add value to your life, and what purpose it will serve.

Then create a SMART goal that lines up with your answers. Avoid useless conversation and Utilize your usefull time in doing something productive for your life.

#3. How to talk more mindfully

You may have heard, at some time or another, that communication is a two-way street. You can’t just express your own ideas. Listening is essential, too. Unless you spend time doing both, you can’t truly communicate.

If anyone has ever complained, “Let someone else get a word in,” or “Yes, you’ve told that story a million times already,” it may be worth revisiting your recent conversations to weigh the time you spend talking against the time you spend listening.

These tips can help you communicate more mindfully.

Don’t let your brain distract you from accomplishing great successes. Practice selfcontrol and set realistic goals to get the work started and finished.



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